Thursday, September 3, 2009

Holiday Blog Tour

The RemARKable Stampers are at it AGAIN!
Beginning September 10th - you will be able to visit many blogs by RemARKable Stampers for Holiday Card Ideas, Scrapbook Ideas, Gift Ideas and Decorating Ideas. Many of the samples will be from the 2009 HOLIDAY MINI CATALOG! So, get ready to grab your cup of coffee, put on your comfy slippers, grab that Holiday Mini Catalog (and catalog!), your notebook and pen, and get ready for a sleigh ride of fun! Oh, and NEW THIS TIME.... Each blog on the tour will be updating with NEW IDEAS each day! So, this is more like a vacation than a tour! 4 days of fun!
What, you don't have a holiday mini catalog? Well, contact me to get one! Email me today at to find out how to get your 2009/2010 Idea Book & Catalog FREE!

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